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Tax laws in France are extremely complex. Making the right financial decisions and avoiding unexpected pitfalls depends on a thorough knowledge of these laws and their implications.
Using a team of tax specialists, we provide an expert service for all the range of individual and business tax matters.
When you are involved in a start up, acquisition or management-buy-out or any phase of commercial expansion, your thoughts will be concentrated on raising the necessary finance and because tax planning and your own financial position have their place in the development of your business, we will ensure that the tax aspects are take into account.
If you are involved in international trade, our specialists will take you through the questions you need to consider when planning an overseas venture. Difference between tax regimes can often complicate tax issues. We maintain a close liaison with tax experts throughout the world which enable us to provide an integrated tax planning approach to our clients.

Payroll Services

Closely working with your Human Resources Department and your lawyers, we can provide you with all the information on the French Social Security System and assist your firm in its implementation in France, payroll bureau services, specific assistance for EU workers and non EU workers, assistance in the choice of life insurance or in the income tax payable by each employee.

Financial Director Role

Very often, clients ask us to fill gaps in their business structure, in particular where a full time appointed financial director would not be appropriate.
We will be at your side in all the decision making processes, financial and investment issues. Our annual financial statements will give your business the added value of our knowledge of the local market sector, becoming an ally in your business’ consolidation and growth development.

Operating Procedure

Properly documented systems are part of the internal financial control of the organisation. Ask us to prepare or assist you with the documentation policy, procedures, compliance and control. In addition, we can design or assist you with the design of your operating procedures and their implementation.

Business Development & Planning

When it comes to developing a business, as important as revealing underlying needs, it is to be able to optimize all the effort invested. Our firm has the knowledge, the network and the abilities needed to deal with banks and investment funds in order to finance and grow your business.
In all cases, it is essential that good proposals are presented to investors, for which Moreno Rouby et Associés can assist you with all the intellectual and logistic tools for the proposal to have the greatest chances of success.

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